Annual report 2023

Dimension Space

Change of Perspective

New spaces. New perspectives. New opportunities. In the three stories in this year's annual report, you can find out about the many facets of the "space dimension" in our work and how we can use it to improve people's lives. Step inside!

Connecting Spaces

Ms. Schmidt's Dream of Snorkeling

Maren Schmidt carries a rare genetic defect in her genome. As a result, there are always dangerous problems with her blood vessels. The team from the Center for Rare Diseases at the University Hospital Heidelberg has already saved her life several times. Now she is hoping for an extraordinary vacation.

Explore this perspective

Changing Spaces

Of Mosquitoes and Men

In an interview, Professor Dr. Till Bärnighausen and Professor Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht explain how the Anopheles mosquito can be contained, how the pathogen reproduces, and how mosquitoes can be used as vaccination assistants.

Explore this perspective
Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus

Chief Medical Director
Chairman of the Board
(since July 2024)

“Despite major challenges—not only in the healthcare sector—Heidelberg University Hospital has managed to stay on track and develop dynamically. 2023 was a remarkably successful year for Heidelberg University Hospital ...”

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Portrait photo of Katrin Erk

Katrin Erk

Commercial Director
Deputy Chair of the Management Board

“Almost 14,000 employees from 130 nations provide the highest level of care to seriously ill patients around the clock at UKHD. They have mastered this outstandingly well, even under the special challenges of the coronavirus pandemic ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros

Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros


“Heidelberg University‘s Faculty of Medicine can look back on a very successful year in 2023. With the extension of three Collaborative Research Centers of the German Research Foundation, the recruitment of nationally and internationally outstanding scientists and Germany-wide leading results in teaching, the Faculty is well positioned for the coming years ...”

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Portrait photo of Yvonne Dintelmann

Yvonne Dintelmann

Director of Nursing

“Interprofessional collaboration, flat hierarchies and a wealth of ideas developed and implemented by the nursing staff – for me, this describes the Heidelberg spirit that I encountered in this excellently positioned hospital when I took office in April 2024. I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to the nursing service managers and managers of the nursing and functional services under the leadership of my predecessor Edgar Reisch ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Friederich

Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Friederich

Dean of Studies

“The medicine curriculum was also continuously developed in 2023. Significant structural progress was made in the digitalization of teaching, which has become much more important during the pandemic ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick

Vice-Dean for Structure and Development

“Based on our high quality in research, teaching and patient care, which has been confirmed in many places, it is particularly important to take a critical look at the current situation and to develop and implement new concepts for the formation of specializations, but also for the discovery of new areas ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner

Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner

Dean of Research

“The Faculty of Medicine in Heidelberg continues to be a leader in its key research areas of infectious diseases, cardiovascular sciences, neurosciences and oncology. This is accompanied by outstanding successes in Collaborative Research Centers and other research networks at national, EU and international level as well as highly endowed ERC grants and prizes ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Diana Wolff

Prof. Dr. Diana Wolff

Dean of Studies for Dentistry

“In 2023, dentistry was in the middle of the transition phase from the old to the new Zahn­ärztlichen Approbations­ordnung (ZApprO), which brought with it organizational and logistical challenges, but also opportunities for innovation and improvement ...”

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Markus Weigand

Prof. Dr. Markus Weigand

Deputy Chief Medical Director
(since July 2024)

“At UKHD, the best possible medical care for our patients is always at the center of all our actions. In the highly complex environment of a supra-maximum care provider, our interdisciplinary and interprofessional teams work continuously to improve patient safety ...”

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Key figures University Hospital

Full-time inpatients
Outpatient visits

Key figures Medical Faculty

Students WiSe 22/23
Collaborative research centers
with a speaker from Heidelberg
EU projects with funding of more than 1 million euros

Key figures University Hospital

Case Mix Index
(group UKHD and MFHD)

Key figures Medical Faculty

166 million euros
171 million euros
State subsidy (Baden-Württemberg)