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Ongoing projects in 2021 with funding of more than 1 million euros
Topic | Project Head |
KEUR Amount Granted |
European Reference Network for rare kidney diseases direct grant proposal 2023-2027 (ERKNet-3) | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer | 3,225 |
Efficacy and safety of thrombectomy in stroke with extended lesion and extended time window: a randomized, controlled trial (TENSION) |
Prof. Dr. Martin Bendszus, Dr. Steffen Luntz |
2,455 |
Establishment and Exploitation of a European-Latin American Research Consortium towards Eradication of Preventable Gallbladder Cancer (EULAT Eradicate GBC) | Prof. Dr. Justo Lorenzo Bermejo | 2,362 |
Antibodies against Nogo-A to enhance plasticity, regeneration and functional recovery after acute spinal cord injury, a multicenter European clinical proof of concept trial (NISCI) |
Prof. Dr. Norbert Weidner, Dr. Steffen Luntz, Dr. Tanja Weiss |
2,037 |
Food systems that support transitions to hEalthy And Sustainable dieTs (FEAST) | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen | 1,855 |
Creation of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised large-scale clinical research studies for infectious diseases (ECRAID-Base) | Dr. Thomas Jänisch | 1,600 |
(PROTECT-ING) | Prof. Dr. Kayvan Bozorgmehr | 1,391 |
Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial (PROOF) | Dr. Steffen Luntz | 1,351 |
European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases (ERKNet-2) | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer | 1,298 |
Reconciliation of Cohort Data for Infectious Diseases (RECODID) | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch | 1,237 |
An innovative non-contact and harmless screening modality set to change the course of breast cancer detection and patient monitoring (ThermoBreast) | Prof. Dr. Michael Golatta | 1,167 |
Funding amount 500 KEUR - 1 Mio:
Topic | Project Head |
KEUR Amount Granted |
Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (DECIDER) | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez | 998 |
Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems to build climate Resilience to emerging health Threats (IDAlert) | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen | 886 |
Compact Cell-Imaging Device to provide insight into the cellular origins of diseases and to aid in the development of novel therapeutics (CoCID) | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager | 774 |
Validation of a Trustworthy AI-based Clinical Decision Support System for Improving Patient Outcome in Acute Stroke Treatment (VALIDATE) | Prof. Dr. Martin Bendszus | 756 |
Integrating Activities for Starting Communities (HITRIplus) | Prof. Dr. Thomas Haberer, Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus | 726 |
Supporting Mental Health in Young People: Integrated Methodology for cLinical dEcisions and evidence-based interventions (SMILE) | PD Dr. Jobst Hendrik Schultz | 697 |
Addressing mental health vulnerabilities from adolescence to older age: innovating prevention science for times of change (ADVANCE) | PD Dr. Manuela De Allegri | 692 |
Clinical Validation of an AI-based approach to improve the shared decision-making process and outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients proposed for Locoregional treatment (CINDERELLA) | Prof. Dr. Jörg Heil | 663 |
Scaling up the WHO-PEN package for diabetes and hypertension in Swaziland: a nation-wide cluster randomized evaluation of three strategies in Swaziland (WHO-PENatScale) | Dr. Jan-Walter De Neve | 649 |
European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer | 643 |
Deliberative improvement of oral care quality (DELIVER) | Prof. Dr. Stefan Listl | 631 |
A federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the homogeneous analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine (EUCANCan) | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eils | 618 |
Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in iRritable bowel syndrome In Europe (DISCOvERIE) | Prof. Dr. Beate Niesler, Dr. Stefanie Schmitteckert | 613 |
Strengthening the screening of Lung Cancer in Europe (SOLACE) | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor | 605 |
Reconstruction and Computational Modelling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases (Recon4IMD) | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker | 589 |
Reconstruction and Computational Modelling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases (CONTAGIO) | Dr. Thomas Jänisch | 572 |
Therapies for Renal Ciliopathies (TheRaCil | Pfo. Dr. Fanz Schaefer | 537 |
Accelerating drug repurposing for rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders by exploiting SIMilarities in clinical and molecular PATHology (SIMPATHIC | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker | 518 |
Reducing nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases in adolescence and youth: interventions and policies to boost nutrition fluency and diet quality in Africa (ARISE-NUTRINT) | PD Dr. Ina Danquah | 516 |
Topic | Project Head | Grant |
KEUR Amount Granted |
Targeting tubular reabsorption for kidney protection (RENOPROTECT) | Prof. Dr. Matias Simon | Consolidator Grant | 1,945 |
Hypothalamic Mechanisms of Thermal Homeostasis and Adaptation (Acclimatize) | Prof. Dr. Jan-Erik Siemens | Consolidator Grant | 1,903 |
How has the rapid scale up of malaria control in Africa impacted vector competence? (ReMVeC) | Dr. Victoria Ingham | Starting Grant | 1,500 |
Improving health services to prevent heart attacks and strokes: Evidence for interventions (E4I) in large middle-income countries | Dr. Pascal Geldsetzer | Starting Grant | 1,492 |
Dissecting the Functional and Therapeutic Impact of Somatic Copy Number Alterations (CrispSCNAs) | Dr. Darjus-Felix Tschaharganeh | Starting Grant | 1,400 |
Ongoing projects in 2021 with funding of more than 1 million euros
Topic | Spokesperson |
KEUR Total Amount Granted |
German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), 3.FP | Prof. Dr. Johannes Backs | 26,267 |
German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), 3.FP | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Georg Kräusslich | 21,129 |
Medizininformatik-Konsortium HiGHmed | Prof. Dr. Roland Eils Prof. Dr. Christoph Dieterich | 12,874 |
German Center for Lung Research (DZL), 3. FP | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor | 8,389 |
Adaptive Radiotherapy with Ion Beams (ARTEMIS) | Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus | 8,087 |
SMART-CARE: A systems medicine approach to stratify the relapse of cancer | Prof. Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld Prof. Dr. Carsten Müller-Tidow Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup-Gregori Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher Prof. Dr. Andreas von Deimling Prof. Dr. Sascha Dietrich | 6,798 |
CLINIC 5.1: Comprehensive Lifesciences Neural Information Computing – ergebnisorientierte Patientenbehandlung durch KI-definierte Interventionen mit dem virtuellen Patienten in 4D. Teilvorhaben: - Multilaterale Datenintegration und KI-gestützter Decision Support | Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenfellner Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus Prof. Dr. Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger Dr. Oliver Heinze Prof. Dr. Stefan Duensing | 4,978 |
Praxisverändernde Studie - SELREC - Selektive neoadjuvante Therapie bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Rektumkarzinom: SELREC eine offene, randomisiert-kontrollierte, multizentrische Nicht-Unterlegenheitsstudie, Standort Heidelberg | Dr. Pianka Dr. Klotz Prof. Kieser Prof- Debus Prof. Kauczor Dr. Schwab Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg | 4,860 |
National cohorts, health survey 2nd funding phase | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg | 3,721 |
Randomisierte, kontrollierte, multizentrische Therapiestudie zur Initialtherapie der Erstmanifestation des idiopathischen nephrotischen Syndroms im Kindesalter mit Mycophenolatmofetil versus Prednison (INTENT-Studie) | Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tönshoff | 3,612 |
Der Einfluss einer prophylaktischen mTOR-Inhibitor Behandlung bei Säuglingen mit einer Tuberösen Hirnsklerose auf die langfristige neuropsychologische Entwicklung (PROTECT) | Prof. Dr. Steffen Syrbe | 3,609 |
Improvement of functional outcome for patients with newly diagnosed grade II or III glioma with co-deletion of 1p/19q - IMPROVE CO-DEL: a NOA trial | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick | 2,948 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung (DZD), 3. FP | Prof. Dr. Julia Szendrödi | 2,640 |
LeukoSyStem - e:med Juniorverbund: Einzelzell-Systembiologie von leukämischen Stammzellen in Pathogenese und Therapie. Teilprojekt B1: Multi-omics von leukämischen Stammzellen auf Einzelzellebene zur Identifizierung von Pathogenese- und Therapieresistenzmechanismen bei Akuter Myeloischer Leukämie | PD Dr. Simon Raffel | 2,577 |
DZHK TranslatiOnal Registry for CardiomyopatHies - Plus (DZHK TORCH-Plus) | Prof. Dr. Banjamin Meder Prof. Dr. Hugo Katus Dr. Tanja Weis | 2,509 |
HiGHmed – Medizininformatik-Konsortium – Teilvorhaben: Koordination, Harmonisierung, Patientenbeteiligung, Kommunikation, Weiterbildung | Prof. Dr. Roland Eils | 2,374 |
Cyclosporine In Takotsubo syndrome (CIT) - DZHK Trial 29 | Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey | 2,229 |
Liposomen als Plattform-Technologie für die orale Applikation makromolekularer Wirkstoffe (LipOra) | Dr. Philipp Uhl Dr. Max Sauter | 1,870 |
PerSurge - Klinische und translationale kontrollierte Studie zur perioperativen Perampanel-Behandlung von Patienten mit progressivem Glioblastom | Prof. Dr. Frank Winkler | 1,676 |
Deutsche Biobanken Allianz / BBMRI.de - Standort Heidelberg (GBA) | Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher | 1,550 |
Der generationsübergreifende Zyklus der Misshandlung in Familien: Ursachen und Prävention durch Maßnahmen des Gesundheitssystems und Sozialer Dienste - 4 Teilprojekte (UBICA II) | Prof. Dr. Sabine Herpertz Prof. Dr. Svenja Taubner Prof. Dr. Beate Ditzen Dr. Steffen Luntz | 1,520 |
DZHK Targeting maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy in cardio-myopathy and heart failure | Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey | 1,436 |
Medizininformatik-Konsortium HiGHmed: Nachwuchsgruppe Digitale Bildanalytik (HiGHDiBi) | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez | 1,434 |
DASH – Netzwerk für Design und Evaluation von Interventionen und Politik zur Jugendgesundheit in Subsahara-Afrika – Verbesserung der sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit | Prof. Dr. Dr. Till Bärnighausen | 1,355 |
Verbund HEROES-AYA - Heterogenität, Evolution und Resistenz von durch Fusionsgene getriebenen Sarkomen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen; Standort Universität Heidelberg | Prof. Dr. Richard Schlenk Prof. Dr. Burkhard Lehner Prof. Dr. Martin A. Schneider Prof. Dr. Patrick Guenther Prof. Dr. Albrecht Stenzinger Dr. Steffen Luntz | 1,313 |
Förderung des Hilfesuchverhaltens von Jugendlichen mit psychischen Problemen durch Nutzung neuer Medien; Zentralprojekt VCP (Pro-HEAD) | Prof. Dr. Michael Kaess | 1,199 |
Selbstverletzendes Verhalten: Mechanismen, Intervention, Beendigung - Online-Intervention bei Nicht-Suizidalem Selbstverletzendem Verhalten in der Adoleszenz - eine Randomisiert-Kontrollierte Studie (STAR) | Prof. Dr. Michael Kaess | 1,138 |
S100A1ct Peptidtherapie der dekompensierten Herzmuskelschwäche mit reduzierter Ejektionsfraktion (HFrEF) | Prof. Dr. Patrick Most | 1,127 |
Chemische Modifikation etablierter Antibiotika mittels Peptid-Konjugation zur Überwindung der Resistenzproblematik - ROVANCE; Teilvorhaben: Synthese und PK/PD Untersuchung | Dr. Philipp Uhl | 1,090 |
RELIEF - Ressourcenorientiertes Case Management zur Umsetzung von Empfehlungen für Patientinnen und Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen und häufigem Analgetikagebrauch in der Hausarztpraxis | Dr. Cornelia Stassner | 1,077 |
e:med Juniorverbund: MelBrainSys TP B.4: In vivo Validierung von therapeutischen Kandidaten, die das Wachstum von Melanom-Hirnmetastasen hemmen | Dr. Matthia Karreman | 1,069 |
ACRIBiS – Medizininformatik-Use Case 'Verbesserung der kardiovaskulären Risikoidentifizierung durch Synthese strukturierter klinischer Dokumentation und aus Biosignalen abgeleiteten Phänotypen' – Teilvorhaben: Biosignalverarbeitung, Risikovorhersage, Evaluation und Implementierung | Prof. Dr. Christoph Dieterich | 1,040 |
NEW_LIVES- Genomische Neugeborenen-Screening-Programme | Prof. Dr. Eva Winkler Prof. Dr. Beate Ditzen Prof. Dr. Christian Schaaf Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker | 1,016 |
Participation in five German Health Research Centers
German Center for Cardiovascular Research |
German Center for Lung Research |
German Center for Infection Research |
German Cancer Consortium |
German Center for Diabetes Research |
German Center for Mental Health (under development) |
Medical Faculty and Spokesperson
Title | Spokesperson | |
CRC 1118 | Reactive metabolites as the cause of diabetic complications | Prof. Dr. Peter Nawroth |
CRC 1129 | Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Replication and Spread | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Georg Kräusslich |
CRC 1158 | From nociception to chronic pain: Structural functional features of neuronal pathways and their reorganization | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner |
CRC 1389 | Overcoming the resistance to treatment of glioblastomas | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick |
SFB-1550 | Molecular circuits of heart disease | Prof. Dr. Johannes Backs |
CRC-TRR 156 | The skin as sensor and effector organ orchestrating local and systemic immune responses | Prof. Dr. Alexander Enk |
CRC-TRR 179 | Determinants and dynamics of elimination versus persistance of hepatitis virus infection | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager |
Medical Faculty with Participation
Title | Sites | |
SFB 1249 | N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien | Heidelberg |
SFB 1261 | Magnetoelectric Sensors: From Composite Materials to Biomagnetic Diagnostics | Kiel, Heidelberg |
SFB 1324 | Mechanisms and functions of Wnt signaling | Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Göttingen |
SFB 1328 | Adenine Nucleotides in Immunity and Inflammation | Hamburg, Göttingen, München, Bonn, Heidelberg |
SFB 1381 | Dynamic organization of cellular protein machineries: From biogenesis and modular assembly to function | Freiburg, Heidelberg |
SFB 1425 | Heterocellular Nature of Cardiac Lesions: Identities, Interactions, Implications | Heidelberg, Freiburg |
SFB 1436 | Neural resources of cognition | Magdeburg, Berlin, Göttingen, Düsseldorf, Heidelberg |
SFB 1531 | Damage control by the stroma-vascular compartment | Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Mainz, Heidelberg |
SFB-TRR 152 | TRiPs to Homeostasis: Maintenance of Body Homeostasis by Transient Receptor Potential Channel Modules | München, Homburg, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig |
SFB-TRR 186 | Molecular Switches: Spatio-temporal Control of Cellular Signal Transmission | Heidelberg, Berlin |
SFB-TRR 237 | Nucleic Acid Immunity | München, Bonn, Dresden, Marburg, Heidelberg |
SFB-TRR 319 | RMaP: RNA Modification and Processing | Mainz, Heidelberg, Dresden, Mannheim |
Ongoing projects in 2021 with funding of more than 500,000 euros
Topic | Spokesperson |
KEUR Total Grant |
Emmy Noether mTOR dependent growth control in the myocardium |
Dr. Mirko Völkers | 1,909 |
Clinical trail APOS study: Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing infectious complications in orthognathic surgery |
PD Dr. Dr. Oliver Ristow | 1,789 |
Emmy Noether Treatable metabolic weak spots in leukemic stem cells |
PD Dr. Simon Raffel | 1,153 |
Emmy Noether Translational multimodality imaging of glioma hallmarks to assess the dynamics of the immune cell landscape and tumor cell invasion during targeted therapy |
PD Dr. Dr. Michael Breckwoldt | 1,095 |
Research Group 2407 Exploring Articular Cartilage and Subchondral Bone Degeneration and Regeneration in Osteoarthritis (ExCarBon) TP 03: Bedeutung mechanosensitiver microRNAs für Knorpelfunktion und Pathophysiologie der Osteoarthrose |
Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Richter | 1,035 |
Individual Research Grant Prospective evaluation of residual disease in intensively treated patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as surrogate endpoint for survival |
Prof. Dr. Richard Schlenk | 941 |
Research Group 2509 The concert of dolichol-based glycosylation: From molecules to desease models TP 09: Komplexbildung und pathologische Mechanismen in den Initialen Schritten des N-Glykosylierungswegs |
PD Dr. Christian Thiel | 901 |
Priority program 1923 Innate Sensing and Restriction of Retroviruses TP 08: Capsid-dependent innate sensing and restriction of retroviral replication complexes |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Georg Kräusslich | 893 |
Clinical Trial Distal Pancreatectomy – A randomised controlled trial to compare minimal-invasive distal pancreatectomy to open resection (DISPACT-2 Trial) |
Prof. Dr. Pascal Probst Dr. Rosa Klotz | 836 |
Individual Research Grant Role of zyxin family members in hypertension-induced arterial remodelling |
Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker | 805 |
Priority program 1923 Innate Sensing and Restriction of Retroviruses TP 03: Antagonism of host cell restriction and sensing by HIV-1 Nef |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Fackler | 665 |
Research Group 2936 Climate change and health in Africa south of the Sahara TP ZP 01: Development and analysis of population cohorts in Burkina Faso and Kenya |
Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen | 637 |
Individual Research Grant Secondary use of clinical data for research and care – ethical, societal and legal aspects |
Prof. Dr. Eva Winkler | 615 |
Individual Research Grant The role of PTHrP signaling for the mechano-response of mesenchymal progenitors and chondrocytes |
Dr. Justyna Buchert | 561 |
Research Group 2928 Refugee migration to Germany: a magnifying glass for broader public health challenges (PH-LENS) TP 01: Natural experiment on contextual effects on health and health care among refugees (NEXUS) |
Prof. Dr. Kayvan Bozorgmehr | 560 |
Individual Research Grant Characterization of HIV infection in resting CD4 T-cells |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Fackler | 546 |
Research Group 5146: Defining the osteohepatic axis in the context of iron homeostasis - FerrO TP05: Identification of iron-related signals controlling BMP expression in liver non-parenchymal cells |
Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler | 541 |
Individual Research Grant Proteomic and functional characterization of the growth-suppressing action of galectin-4 in colorectal cancer cells |
Dr. Malwina Michalak | 538 |
Individual Research Grant Monoallelic expression of proteinuria-associated CUBN variants for renal self-defense |
Prof. Dr. Matias Simons | 535 |
Individual Research Grant MicroRNA regulation of glucocorticoid-induced autophagy and progression of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma |
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Herr | 533 |
Individual Research Grant Exploring novel molecular mechanisms of TSC22D4 in development of diabetes mellitus |
Dr. Bilgen Ekim Üstünel | 516 |
Im Jahr 2021 laufende Projekte mit einer Fördersumme von mehr als 1 Mio. Euro
Topic | Spokesperson |
KEUR Total Grant |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Heidelberg concept for the cure of multiple myeloma | Prof. Dr. Hartmut Goldschmidt | 12,566 |
Klaus Tschira Stiftung: Bridges Project Informatics for life | Prof. Dr. Hugo Katus | 5,394 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Roboterassistierte Viszeralchirurgie | Prof. Dr. Thilo Hackert | 3,060 |
Deutsche Krebshilfe: German Cancer Aid: Continued funding of the National Center for Tumor Diseases Heidelberg as part of the oncological centers of excellence funding program | Prof. Dr. Stefan Fröhling | 3,000 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Pilot project for the development of personalized cellular immunotherapy in solid cancers. | Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger | 2,879 |
National Institutes of Health (NIH): Rapid Research for Diagnostics Development in TB Network | PD Dr. Claudia Denkinger | 2,322 |
Klaus Tschira Stiftung: Establishment of a sustainable real laboratory for interdisciplinary and translational research in the field of mathematical modeling and simulation in ophthalmology | Prof. Dr. Gerd Auffarth | 2,178 |
Chica und Heinz Schaller Stiftung: Junior research group: Neuron-glia Interactions in neural circuits | Dr. Amit Agarwal | 2,123 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Newborn screening - Langzeit Schul- und Jugendalter |
Prof. Dr. Georg F. Hoffmann Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker |
2,183 |
Forum Gesundheitsstandort Baden-Württemberg: Der Kognitive medizinische Assistent (KoMed) - Klinische Entscheidungsunterstützung durch künstliche Intelligenz auf höchster Datenqualität | Dr. Jan Larmann | 2,050 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: DATA 5.0 – Data Acquisition, Translation and Analysis | Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenfellner | 2,000 |
Ministerium für Soziales und Integration Baden-Württemberg: ZPM-Netzwerk BW – Ausbildung einer regionalen Versorgungsstruktur der Personalisierten Medizin in Baden-Württemberg, inkl. Zukunftskonzept |
Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher Dr. Caroline Plöger |
1,950 |
Chica und Heinz Schaller Stiftung: Junior research group: Membrane biology of viral infection | Dr. Petr Chlanda | 1,826 |
Ministerium für Soziales und Integration Baden-Württemberg: ARMED – Augmented Reality assisted, forensic Medical Evidence collection and Documentation | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Yen | 1,811 |
Chica und Heinz Schaller Stiftung: Junior research group: Laboratory of neural circuits and behavior | Dr. Claudio D. Acuna Goycolea, Ph.D. | 1,785 |
Chica und Heinz Schaller Stiftung: Junior research group: Stem cell-derived culture models for hepatitis E virus studies | Dr. Viet Loan Dao Thi, Ph.D. | 1,780 |
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA): PRiVENT - Früherkennung und Frühintervention bei Risikopatienten zur Vermeidung von invasiver Langzeitbeatmung | Prof. Dr. Joachim Szecsenyi | 1,716 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Newborn screening - Weiterentwicklung Neugeborenenscreening |
Prof. Dr. Georg F. Hoffmann Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker |
1,666 |
Deutsche Krebshilfe: Risiko-adaptierte Prostatakarzinom Früherkennung durch eine Basis-PSA Bestimmung bei jungen Männern von 45 Jahren (PROBASE) | Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenfellner | 1,602 |
Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung: Else Kröner-Promotionskolleg Heidelberg - Public Health | Dr. Volker Winkler | 1,550 |
Deutsche Krebshilfe: Phase I/II Umbrella Study of molecular adapted treatments in combination with radiation therapy for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma without MGMT MGMT Promotor hypermethylation: NCT Neuro Master Match (N2M2) | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick | 1,500 |
MWK: Junior reseach group for pediatric precision oncology |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister Dr. Kristian Pajtler |
1,499 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Prädikativer Marker für Ansprechen auf Immunchemotherapie beim operablen NSCLC - iReP Studie | Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger | 1,431 |
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA): Mind: Pregnancy - Online-basierte Achtsamkeitsintervention zur Stärkung psychischer Stabilität von Schwangeren und Förderung einer physiologischen Geburt | PD Dr. Stephanie Wallwiener | 1,370 |
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA): ULCUS CRURIS CARE – Etablierung eines patientenorientierten, evidenzbasierten Versorgungskonzeptes für die Therapie des Ulcus cruris venosum in Hausarztpraxen mit praxisbasiertem Case-Management durch Medizinische Fachangestellte (VERAH) und Nutzung moderner IT-Unterstützung | Prof. Dr. Joachim Szecsenyi | 1,367 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: 2D-Druck von Arnzeimitteln für Kinder und Jugendliche |
Prof. Dr. Walter Haefeli Prof. Dr. Georg F. Hoffmann |
1,360 |
Deutsche Krebshilfe: Nationales Netzwerk Genomische Medizin - Lungenkrebs: Das Netzwerk der Onkologischen Spitzenzentren zur Präzisionsmedizin bei Lungenkrebs - nNGM-Lungenkrebs |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Stenzinger Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher |
1,207 |
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: Register für Seltene Anämien |
Dr. Joachim Kunz Dr. Arne Krümpelmann Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler Prof. Dr. Andreas Kulozik |
1,092 |
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA): Participation-related goal achievement through remedies and equipment with mobility-restricting paralysis syndromes (NeuroMoves) |
Prof. Dr. Norbert Weidner PD. Dr. Rüdiger Rupp Prof. Dr. Michael Wensing |
1,055 |
Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung - Else Kröner-Research Schools: Heidelberg Research School for Neurooncology | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick | 1,000 |
Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung: Tumor-stroma-immune interplay in pancreatic cancer - decoding the enigma of long-term survival |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Markus Büchler Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger PD Dr. Dr. Susanne Roth |
1,000 |
Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung: Gedächtnisstörung als Früherkennungsmarker bei Alzheimer Demenz |
Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick |
1,000 |
Program | Goal/Content | Support |
strctured doctoral program (formerly: MD/PhD program) | Structured doctoral program in biology, natural sciences and clinical work for students of human medicine and dentistry after they have completed the first part of the state examination in medicine or the preliminary dental medicine examination | 6 newly admitted students |
Clinician Scientist Programm | The central goal of the Clinician Scientist Programm is to foster participating scientists’ development into scientific group or laboratory leaders. The program is designed for clinicians who are working in scientific research during their medical specialization training (fachärztliche Weiterbildung) and would like to carry out a research project at the Heidelberg University Hospital. | 12 Stellen bewilligt |
Medical Scientist Programm | The central goal of the Medical Scientist Programm is to foster participating scientists’ development into group or laboratory leaders in the field of biomedical research. The program is designed for post-doctoral scientists with above-average qualifications who are applying for a research position at the Heidelberg Faculty of Medicine. | 3 Stellen bewilligt |
Medical Data Scientist Programm | The central goal of the Medical Data Scientist Program is to foster participating scientists’ development into group or laboratory leaders in the field of medical research. The program is designed for post-doctoral scientists with above-average qualifications who are applying for a research position in the fields of medical informatics, medical bioinformatics, digitalization in medicine, or the medical data sciences at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty. | 3 Stellen bewilligt |
Research positions Dentistry | Support for junior researchers in dentistry; funding of 50% of position for research work | 1 place approved |
Curriculum Clinical Research | Modular qualification program for co-workers who are involved in the implementation of clinical trials. | Absorption of the qualification costs |
MEDISS (Medical Structured Scientific Program) | Faculty-wide, structural doctoral program to support the academic exchange with experienced scientists, good scientific practice, and specialized courses | For all medical and dental PhD students |
Program | Goal/Content | Support |
Olympia Moratamed | Postdoctoral qualification program qualified female researchers/physicians; protected research time: 2 years, 50% of the position | 6 approvals |
Rahel Goitein-Straus | Support for the transition of female physicians/researchers to their first independent research work; protected research time: 1 year, 50% of the position | 2 approvals |
Short-Term Grants | Support for research activities by women during or even after their residencies; protected research time: 3-6 months | 7 approvals |
Mentoring Program | For female researchers and physicians with modular management training and competency seminars as well as mentoring by experienced leaders | 2023 no call |
Program | Goal/Content | Support |
"Third-Party Funding“ Bonus Program | Researchers will receive a bonus for the acquisition of third-party funding for biomedical projects, which were awarded in a recognized evaluation procedure | About 4,84 million euros |
Bonus Program Leading Publications | Bonus for publications on research results which were predominantly developed at a facility of the Medical Faculty at the University of Heidelberg | 200 thousand euros |