• Institute of Human Genetics

    Managing Director
    Prof. Dr. C. Schaaf

    Human Genetics
    Prof. Dr. C. Schaaf

    to the Website
  • Institute for Medical Biometry

    Managing Director
    Prof. Dr. M. Kieser

    Medical Biometry and Informatics
    Prof. Dr. M. Kieser

    to the Website
  • Institute of Immunology

    Managing Director
    Prof. Dr. A. Roers

    General Immunology, Serology and Hematological Diagnostics with a blood bank
    Prof. Dr. A. Roers

    to the Website
  • Institute for Forensic and Traffic Medicine

    Managing Director
    Prof. Dr. med. univ. K. Yen

    Forensic and Traffic Medicine
    Prof. Dr. med. univ. K. Yen

    to the Website
  • Center for Infectious Diseases

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H.-G. Kräusslich

    Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
    Prof. Dr. A. Dalpke

    Prof. Dr. M. Lanzer

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H.-G. Kräusslich

    Molecular Virology
    Prof. Dr. R. Bartenschlager

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  • Institute of Pathology

    Managing Director
    Prof. Dr. P. Schirmacher

    General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy
    Prof. Dr. P. Schirmacher

    Prof. Dr. A. von Deimling

    Applied Tumor Biology
    Prof. Dr. M. von Knebel Doeberitz

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  • Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH)

    Prof. Dr. T. Bärnighausen

    Public Health
    Prof. Dr. T. Bärnighausen

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