For our patients

Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) is one of the largest and most modern medical centers in Europe. With over 50 specialist departments, it offers medical care at the highest international level in all specialist areas. The UKHD is a group with 14 subsidiaries.

Our mission

We see ourselves as a link between excellent science, pioneering care and outstanding teaching – for the benefit of our patients, who need the special skills and new findings of university medicine in order to find relief or a cure.

Our aim

We are preparing our campus today for the medicine of tomorrow. Currently important topics are digitalization, personalized medicine and translation between research and application. We are constantly developing our infrastructure for this. Located in the immediate vicinity of Neuenheimer Feld, the proximity of the institutes to each other enables lively collaboration and science at an international level.

Through institutions such as the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg or the Hopp Children's Tumor Center Heidelberg (KiTZ) as well as numerous collaborations, the UKHD and MFHD are regionally, nationally and internationally networked and active in providing decisive impulses for the further development of healthcare and science.

Our common path

UKHD and MFHD are the largest employers and training providers in the city of Heidelberg. Around 15,000 employees in over 100 professions with their great commitment are the heartbeat that keeps this state-of-the-art campus in constant motion and development.

Key figures University Hospital and Medical Faculty for 2023

Patient care

  UKHD (hospital) UKHD (Group)
Beds 2,009 2,599
Full-time inpatients 64,181 88,557
Outpatient visits 1,178,381 1,244,103
Patients from abroad 1,005 1,100
Case Mix Index 1.45 1.280
Average length of stay (days) 7.6 7.0


  MFHD and UKHD (hospital) MFHD and UKHD (Group)
Employees 10,944.00 14,056.75
Physicians 1,862 2,099
Nursing and functional services 3,583 4,471
Occupations more than 100 more than 100
Nations 124 133

Education and Training

students (WiSe 22/23) medical courses of study
Doctorates and 55 habilitations in WiSe 22/23 and SoSe 2023
Trainees in 22 professions
officially recognized further training programs for nursing vocations


medical theory institutes
collaborative research centers with a speaker from Heidelberg, participation in another 12 collaborative research centers
EU projects with funding of more than 1 million euros
BMBF projects with funding of more than 1 million euros
DFG projects with funding of more than 500.000 euros
more than 40
projects with other sponsors with funding of more than 1 million euros
approximately 166 million
euros funding
approximately 171 million
euros as state subsidy (Baden-Württemberg)

Main research topics

Cancer Research | Neurosciences | Infection and Immunology | Cardiovascular Research

Profile areas

Digital Health | Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Global Health | Prevention

Are you interested in other key figures of the Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD), the group and the Medical Faculty at Heidelberg (MFHD)? Under the following links, you will find all of the figures, data and facts of this annual report: