Key performance indicators of the Medical Faculty
2023 2022 2021
State Subsidy 171.076,0 KEUR 166.690,9 KEUR 160.966,2 KEUR
Balance Sheet Total 685.085,6 KEUR 602.307,2 KEUR 552.619,7 KEUR
Third-Party Funding Revenue 165.949,3 KEUR 162.062,1 KEUR 156.862,0 KEUR
Third-Party Funds towards State Subsidy 1.0 % 1.0 % 1.0 %
Full-Time Employees 7,902.6 7,712.7 7,672.1
of which Medical Service 1,625.8 1,575.0 1,572.6
Winter Semester Students 4,628.0 4,450.0 4,253.0
Summer Semester Students 4,354.0 4,244.0 4,086.0
Third-party funding to support research
2023 2022 2021
DFG 35,948,184 37,095,063 34,431,214
Fed. Gov. 38,892,455 37,913,700 35,112,037
Other 8,201,272 4,896,026 3,916,557
EU 8,621,375 9,229,060 8,827,915
State 74,286,016 72,928,209 74,574,294
Total 165,949,302 162,062,057 156,862,016
Total Students
Freshmen Total Students Graduates
Course of Study WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23 WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23 WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23
Medicine 353 2 3,520 3,359 208 114
Dentistry 81 - 591 521 71 -
Medical Informatics - Bachelor 34 1 136 130 7 4
Medical Informatics - Master 10 6 71 69 15 2
International Health 19 1 32 28 - 18
Medical Biometry 23 - 54 47 3 12
Medical Education 27 - 55 53 7 3
Interprofessional Healthcare 22 - 112 102 8 15
Healthcare Research/Implementation Science 16 0 57 45 16 7
Total 585 10 4,628 4,354 335 175
Total Male Female
WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23 WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23 WiSe 22/23 SoSe 23
Medicine 147 145 81 67 66 78
Dentistry 10 10 5 5 5 5
Dr. sc.hum. 25 24 11 9 14 15
Total 182 179 97 81 85 98
Postdoctoral lecture qualifications
Total Male Female
Medicine 51 32 19
Dentristy 4 3 1
Total 55 35 20