• Awards & Prizes

    Recognized and honored: achievements of our employees

  • Innovation through Research

    Discover, develop, treat: News from patient-oriented research

  • Modern Patient Care

    From high-precision operations to digital solutions for the best possible care of patients

  • Staff at the UKHD

    Selected personnel news from clinics and institutes

  • Projects & Partners

    Only together are we strong for the university medicine of tomorrow

results are shown.

Innovation through Research

Better treatment of aggressive brain tumors

The Department of Neurosurgery at the UKHD is launching a project on combination therapy for regrown glioblastomas. Glioblastomas are highly aggressive brain tumors that grow back after a few months despite intensive therapy. The scientists are now planning a study with the aim of slowing down further tumor growth. To do this, they want to heat the tumor precisely using an inserted laser probe and allow the tumor samples obtained to grow into mini-organoids. They want to carry out drug tests on these and thus identify the most effective drug for further therapy. The Dietmar Hopp Foundation is funding the treatment study with a total of 1.8 million euros.

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Better treatment of aggressive brain tumors

Staff at the UKHD

Benjamin Meder takes up professorship in “Precision Digital Health”

Benjamin Meder has accepted the appointment to the W3 professorship “Precision Digital Health” at Heidelberg University. He heads the Institute for Cardiomyopathies and is Principal Investigator at the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK). His focus is on molecular and digital biomarkers, the use of artificial intelligence in everyday clinical practice and wearables, i.e. smartphones, smartwatches and fitness wristbands, which are used to support prevention and therapy.

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Staff at the UKHD

Christoph Michalski is the new Director of the Department of Surgery

Professor Christoph Michalski is the new Director of the Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery. His areas of focus include complex cancer surgery, minimally invasive and robot-assisted surgery, the development of AI-supported treatment concepts and transplant medicine. In addition, the European Pancreas Center and the Transplant Center at the UKHD are to be further expanded under his leadership. Michalski describes interdisciplinary medicine as a topic close to his heart. Specifically, together with the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases and Poisoning as well as the Clinic for Medical Oncology at the UKHD and the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, he would like to set up a university abdominal center with an interdisciplinary visceral medicine and visceral oncology ward.

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Modern Patient Care

A century of the Orthopaedic University Hospital Heidelberg

The Orthopaedic Clinic of the UKHD celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2023. After the foundation stone was laid during the First World War, the clinic began operations as part of the university. The building architecture still reflects the history of the clinic today. Behind the façade, however, the tradition of modern medicine takes precedence: in addition to medical care and the application of the latest technologies, research and development play a major role in areas such as cartilage and bone replacement substances or implants for joint replacement made of ceramic or titanium. The clinic's areas of focus range from joint replacement in the hip, knee and shoulder to tumor and spinal surgery, paediatric and neuro-orthopaedics as well as sports orthopaedics and traumatology.

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A century of the Orthopaedic University Hospital Heidelberg

Innovation through Research

Successful Collaborative Research Centers

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding three existing Collaborative Research Centers at the UKHD with a total of around 44 million euros for a further period of four years each. In SFB 1158, researchers are investigating chronic pain: What happens when pain persists even though the original pain trigger, e.g. an injury, has long since healed? In the transregional CRC Transregio 156, scientists are investigating the role of skin immune cells in autoimmune diseases. Both CRCs are already entering their third funding period. SFB 1389, which is dedicated to the question of how therapy resistance in malignant brain tumors can be overcome, will be extended for the first time.

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Innovation through Research

European Center for Neurooncology

A “European Center for Neurooncology” is being established in Heidelberg. The scientists involved want to investigate what role the nervous system plays when brain tumors become resistant to therapies and form brain metastases. They also want to develop personalized immunotherapies against brain tumors. The center - also as part of the Health & Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim - aims to bundle neuro-oncological research in the region and strengthen its leading international role in the new field of “cancer neuroscience” and immuno-oncology. The Dietmar Hopp Foundation is funding the establishment of the center with 20 million euros.

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European Center for Neurooncology

Innovation through Research

Research into developmental disorders

The German Research Foundation is funding a new Emmy Noether junior research group at the UKHD for six years with a total of around 2.1 million euros. The group led by Dr. Ferdinand Althammer at the Institute of Human Genetics is investigating how the abnormal behavior in two rare developmental disorders is linked to a deficiency of the bonding hormone oxytocin in the brain. The affected children suffer from a range of mental and physical symptoms. The scientists want to elucidate the underlying mechanisms in order to develop new therapies to alleviate these symptoms.

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Research into developmental disorders

Projects & Partners

Together against Long-COVID

The four university hospitals in Baden-Württemberg are developing a joint care concept for people with long-COVID and post-COVID syndrome. The state is funding the development of the network under the coordination of the UKHD with two million euros. Close cooperation between specialist outpatient clinics, rehabilitation facilities, GP and specialist practices and therapists is intended to improve care, training and knowledge transfer. The range of long-COVID symptoms is wide and those affected have very different care needs. The new concept is intended to combine the latest research with the experience of the various network partners and guide each affected person to the appropriate contact person and the most suitable therapy.

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Together against Long-COVID

Awards & Prizes

Hans-Georg Kräusslich becomes President of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities has elected virologist Professor Hans-Georg Kräusslich, Director of the Center for Infectiology at the UKHD, as its new President. His three-year term of office began on October 1, 2023. The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is a non-university research institution and learned society. It promotes interdisciplinary exchange, for example through lectures, events or interdisciplinary research projects by established and young scientists.

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Hans-Georg Kräusslich becomes President of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Modern Patient Care

Highest quality: Center for Personalized Medicine

The German Cancer Society has certified the Center for Personalized Medicine (ZPM) at the UKHD. At the ZPM Heidelberg, patients with advanced and rare cancers and, in future, people with severe chronic inflammatory diseases will receive a molecular genetic analysis. The detailed information can open up new treatment options for those affected: By sequencing the genome of the cancer cells, the experts at the ZPM identify genetic changes that may also offer treatment options for advanced tumor diseases.

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Projects & Partners

Innovative nursing projects honored

The UKHD Nursing Directorate and the Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation awarded the Heidelberg Nursing Prize for the fifth time in 2023. The prize recognizes original project ideas for better patient care and greater satisfaction among patients and nursing staff. Among the projects honored were a study on how images, videos and music can be used in therapy and a screening tool that identifies risk factors that can lead to cognitive impairment after an operation.

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Innovative nursing projects honored

Innovation through Research

Intelligent tuberculosis screening

Far more than half of children suffering from tuberculosis worldwide are not recognized and treated as such - due to a lack of medical expertise and diagnostic tools on site. Researchers at the Center for Infectious Diseases want to help here and have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council worth around two million euros. The team is developing an app that uses artificial intelligence to calculate the individual risk of tuberculosis infection. Thanks to this pre-selection, as many sick children as possible can be found and treated, even when resources are scarce.

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Intelligent tuberculosis screening

Innovation through Research

Interaction between the gut and the microbiome

The research team led by Professor Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Head of the Institute of Computational Biomedicine at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, together with colleagues from EMBL and other scientists from Sweden, has been awarded an ERC Synergy Grant worth 10 million euros for their CartoHostBug project. They are investigating the interactions between the human host and the microbiome in the gut, comparing healthy people with patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or colon cancer. The aim is to use the spatial information to create “maps” of the microbial composition and molecular status of human cells at spatially defined locations. Based on this data, they want to develop computer models of the intestinal ecosystem in order to gain new insights and ultimately develop new therapies.

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Interaction between the gut and the microbiome

Awards & Prizes

Artificial intelligence in radiology

Professor Philipp Vollmuth, physician and scientist at UKHD and MFHD, is researching how artificial intelligence can support doctors in assessing diagnostic images, particularly in the case of brain tumors and strokes. With his innovative research, he won the competition for one of the coveted endowed professorships of the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS). The associated funding of one million euros over ten years enables the clinically active neuroradiologist to devote half of his working time to his scientific projects.

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Artificial intelligence in radiology

Modern Patient Care

Artificial intelligence supports cancer diagnosis in children

Since going online in 2016, the AI “Heidelberg Brain Tumor Classifier” has analyzed molecular data from more than 100,000 brain tumors. A study published in Nature Medicine confirms the benefits of the method developed at the Hopp Children's Tumor Center Heidelberg (KiTZ), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the UKHD for cancer diagnosis. The AI-supported analysis enables brain tumors in children and adolescents to be classified not only more precisely, but also more reliably for certain tumor groups than with a microscope. The study shows that patient groups with rare tumor types and certain, particularly aggressive brain tumors benefit in particular.

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Artificial intelligence supports cancer diagnosis in children

Staff at the UKHD

Luise Poustka: Expert in autism spectrum disorders

Professor Luise Poustka is the new Medical Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. With her expertise in the early detection and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, she complements the clinic's main areas of focus - such as the AtRisk outpatient clinic for young people with self-harming behavior or the interdisciplinary early treatment center for young people in crisis. In order to be able to support affected children and their families as early as possible, Professor Poustka wants to set up an Autism Therapy Center (ATZ) for pre-school children. Scientifically based therapy programs for this age group are already well established and will also be used in Heidelberg. Until her move to Heidelberg, Professor Poustka was Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Göttingen.

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Staff at the UKHD

Michael Boutros appointed new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Professor Michael Boutros is the new Dean of the Heidelberg Faculty of Medicine and thus a member of the UKHD Board of Directors. The scientist heads the Department of Signaling and Functional Genomics at the German Cancer Research Center and is the founding director of the Health and Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim. He plans to further expand academic excellence, support cooperation with non-university institutions in the region and the integration of the medical faculties of Heidelberg and Mannheim, as well as further develop teaching and the promotion of young scientists.

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Projects & Partners

National Center for Tumor Diseases extended

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the UKHD inaugurated the extension and annex to the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg in October 2023. The client DKFZ ceremoniously handed over the key to the UKHD, which will operate the building. At the same time, the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, and ministers from the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony signed a federal-state administration agreement for the NCT, thereby sealing the expansion of the NCT concept to six sites.

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National Center for Tumor Diseases extended

Modern Patient Care

Newly founded: Center for Gene and Cell Therapy

The UKHD has founded a new center for gene and cell therapy in 2023. The new therapies offer hope for mostly hereditary diseases that were previously untreatable or difficult to treat. Malfunctioning genes are replaced, repaired or removed. As the therapies intervene in the genome, they must meet very high-quality standards in terms of safety, patient selection and efficacy. The Centre for Gene and Cell Therapy therefore pools the academic and clinical expertise available at the UKHD, promotes innovative therapeutic approaches through to clinical application and optimizes existing and future care structures.

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Projects & Partners

New structure for midwifery training

After 257 years, the long-established midwifery school of the Academy for Health Professions Heidelberg (AfG) of the UKHD has closed. It was one of the oldest training centers for midwives in Germany. As part of the academization of this profession, it will in future act as a coordination point for the practical phase of the midwifery science course in cooperation with the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences (HWG LU).

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New structure for midwifery training

Innovation through Research

New therapies against cancer in children

The Dietmar Hopp Foundation is funding two projects at the Hopp Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ) so that young cancer patients can receive more effective therapies with fewer side effects more quickly. 10.5 million euros are being invested in the establishment of an international clinical “data depot”. The aim is to create the conditions for children and young people to benefit as quickly as possible from cancer drugs that have already been approved for adults. A further 10.4 million euros will be used to expand the KiTZ study center in order to further develop new therapeutic approaches with fewer side effects in clinical studies as quickly as possible.

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New therapies against cancer in children

Staff at the UKHD

Oliver Zivanovic: Specialist in gynecological oncology

Professor Oliver Zivanovic is the new Medical Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The specialist in gynecological cancers and tumor surgery is returning to Germany for this position after many years of medical and scientific work at the renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Professor Zivanovic will continue his research into the early detection of ovarian cancer with national and international partners at the UKHD. He also plans to establish a modern training program for gynecological tumor surgery.

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Staff at the UKHD

Sandro Krieg: function-preserving brain and spinal surgery

Professor Sandro Krieg is the new Medical Director of the Neurosurgery Clinic. The neurosurgeon specializes in function-preserving procedures for brain tumours and metastases as well as complex spinal surgery. In teaching, Professor Krieg also focuses on oncological neurosurgery, including with the aid of virtual reality (VR). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to externally and therefore non-invasively provoke or inhibit individual functions of the cerebral cortex. The resulting patient-specific “map” of the brain plays an important role when it comes to preserving functions that are threatened by the growth of brain tumors, for example.

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Staff at the UKHD

Sebastian Frank takes over management of the Thorax Clinic

Sebastian Frank is the new Commercial Director of Thoraxklinik. As he previously managed the clinic's accounting department, he already knows the specialist lung clinic very well and thus ensures continuity in the company's policy and cooperation with contractual and cooperation partners.

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Awards & Prizes

University medicine: successful in international comparison

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) tops the list in the current Academic Ranking of World Universities - also known as the Shanghai Ranking - in a national comparison. The medical disciplines in particular contributed to the university's good performance. Heidelberg achieved a global top 50 ranking in five university medicine subjects: Medical Technology (15), Clinical Medicine (17), Pharmacology (30), Public Health (45) and Human Biology (47). The US magazine “Newsweek” has once again named Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) one of the best hospitals in the world in 2023. In the “World's Best Hospitals” ranking, which is compiled in collaboration between “Newsweek” and the statistics and data platform “Statista”, the UKHD is ranked 13th worldwide. In Germany, the UKHD is in second place, just behind the Charité in Berlin.

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University medicine: successful in international comparison

Projects & Partners

Alliance of the university hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim

In March 2023, the state of Baden-Württemberg agreed on a network model for the university hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim. In February 2024, the planned alliance was submitted to the Federal Cartel Office for antitrust review. Against this background and in the context of the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim, the Senate of Heidelberg University unanimously decided to establish a joint medical faculty.

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Awards & Prizes

Where does chronic pain come from?

Professor Rohini Kuner, Managing Director of the Institute of Pharmacology at the MFHD, has been awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The DFG is thus recognizing Kuner's pioneering work on chronic pain. Her research aims to identify the causes of chronic pain and thus to be able to treat it in a targeted manner. The Leibniz Prize is regarded as the most important research funding prize in Germany and is endowed with prize money of 2.5 million euros.

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Modern Patient Care

Certified: Center for familial breast and ovarian cancer

The German Cancer Society has confirmed that the Center for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer offers high quality treatment for early detection, genetic counseling and therapy. This makes the UKHD the first certified center of its kind in Baden-Württemberg. Prerequisites for certification include intensive cooperation in the fields of gynecology, human genetics, oncology, radiology, pathology and psycho-oncology, joint case discussions, constant quality controls, a high level of expertise measured by the number of patients as well as further education and training opportunities.

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Certified: Center for familial breast and ovarian cancer