• Central Facilities

    Hospital Pharmacy
    Dr. T. Hoppe-Tichy

    to the Website

    Occupational health service
    M. Predikant

    to the Website

    Digitalization and infomation technology
    O. Reinhard

    to the Website

    Medical International Office
    M. Rieger

    to the Website

    Corporate Communications
    D. Rübsam-Brodkorb

    to the Website

    Medical quality and risk management
    Dr. M. Thalheimer

    to the Website
  • Staff Unit

    Occupational health and safety
    Th. Knoch

    to the Website

    Fire prevention
    J. König

    Dr. G. Gabrichidze

    to the Website

    Internal Audits
    U. Hannemann

    to the Website

    Data Protection
    M. Schurer, Dr. R. Mathes

    to the Website

    Transplant Coordinator
    Prof. Dr. Ch. Beynon

    to the Website

    Information Security
    J. Henke

    to the Website

    Crisis and Catastrophe Management
    J. König

    to the Website

    Medicine, medical strategy and corporate development
    Dr. C. Leschinger

    Medical development, innovation management and digitalization
    Dr. H. Kenngott

    Medical strategic project management
    M. Müller-Wolf

    N. Bender

    National clinical science site development and NUM network
    A. Arianna, Dr. J. Detzer

    Quality and development in the care service
    M. Buchholz